Every month I review for you the supply and demand trends for the Palos Verdes Homes Market Trends. Ask any group of 100 real estate agents about what the market is doing and where it’s going and you’ll get a bunch of opinions nearly none of them based on objective, measurable facts.

Why is that? It’s pretty simple actually, it takes a lot of work to compile the data and have enough data so that the conclusions you draw can be statistically valid.

Look, I get it, no one has a crystal ball. I certainly don’t - if I did, I wouldn’t be working my ass off trying my best to earn your confidence, your trust, and then your business. What I do have, however is the product of years of data accumulated painstakingly each and every day since the early 90s.


When we are projecting what might happen to the price trend for Palos Verdes Homes, we need to have some measure of supply and some measure of demand. For the purposes of this study, we’re going to define supply as NEW LISTING VOLUME and demand as PENDING SALE VOLUME. Then we’re going to study how those numbers are changing over time relative to similar time frames in the past (so that we can eliminate any influence from seasonal effects) and then finally draw some conclusions.

The best way for me to convey this to you is through a video