There are a few methods I use to help my clients, buyers and sellers, determine how the market is doing. Is the market accelerating in appreciation, or will prices begin to drop in the coming weeks?

We all have our opinions, and real estate agents seem to be never short of them. Sadly, though, I've observed over my 40-plus years in this business that real estate agent opinions are almost always based on anecdotal evidence rather than facts.

Doesn't it make more sense to base critically important decisions, like how to price your house if you're selling and what price to offer on a home if you're buying, on FACTS?

I have a few proprietary metrics that I do not discuss here, but in combination with this technique, they help my clients make sound decisions and increase their odds of profiting or, at worst, not losing money!

Would you like to learn more about these other metrics and/or be kept up to date on the trends I describe in this YouTube Short? Just go to my website at and click the "Contact Us" tab at the top right of any page.

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