If you ever have made an offer on any of the Palos Verdes homes in a market where inventory is at all-time lows, you know this is what it feels like. Continue below video to learn what to do


Low Inventory for Palos Verdes Homes


Let's face it, there are times when the selection of Palos Verdes homes are bleak, just down right desert bleak. You may have offered on a couple of homes and lost out and you just have this gut feeling if you knew about these homes faster, maybe even before they were listed active on the multiple listing service, you would have had a better chance. Maybe you've heard about the new policy implemented by the National Association of Realtors that in essence, makes "pocket listings" illegal and agents that market pocket listings, liable for very, very expensive fines and even in certain cases, open to losing their privileges as a Realtor. But did you know there's still a way for you to gain a competitive edge over other buyers competing for the same type of property as you and it's surprisingly really easy. To learn more about this, contact me through my website at https://palosverdeshomesbest.com Look at the upper right corner and click the "Contact Us" tab. In the message section, just write "early access to listings".